英文一問﹕今日佢做老闆 (請客問題)

2008-03-29 8:28 am

口語化d 的英文應該點講?

回答 (4)

2008-03-29 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. My treat!

2. It's on me!

3. My shout!
Example: Back in New Zealand, (especially in a bar) my friends will say, "I'll shout you all a drink!" OR "This round is my shout!"
It simply means it's my treat or it's on me!
So, "my shout" is probably the most colloquial way of expressing it!

Hope it helps! :)
參考: Based on own life experiences!
2008-03-29 8:47 am
其實英文無正確講: 今日我做老闆或我請客之類嘅說話,佢地通常話:
It's my treat today.
唔會講: I am the boss today.....
2008-03-29 8:41 am
-My treat.
-It´s on me.
2008-03-29 8:30 am
冇口語化d 的英文
就是Today I am boss (to treat)

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