About superficial people.?

2008-03-29 3:19 am
Why is it that people aspire to be like the kids on "the hills" or other superficial shows?

i mean dont people realize that there more important issues out there in the world than what they are wearing or what kind of car they drive, etc.?

回答 (5)

2008-03-29 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I know a person who does not let the world define him. He is true & loyal to himself .. and everyone around him. He lives a simple, honest, and clean life -- and material things do not dominate his life.
2008-03-29 9:12 pm
if you look around, all the media promotes the image of the cool person. and it's all about SELLING stuff. why? well, the cool person usually wears brand X sneakers, dresses from..., has an ipod, a great phone, the trendy haircut, is slim, watches.....whatever, smiles, goes shopping, listens to y music etc etc etc. to teenagers this image is unbelievably appealing because they are very susceptible and want to be liked. eventually those teenagers become grown ups. without actually GROWING UP :) so you end up with a superficial and easy to manipulate mass of people. aaaaand i stop here :))
2008-03-29 2:39 pm
I think the life depicted in the Hills has become the new "American dream".
2008-03-29 10:44 am
im not a superficial person at least i believe so..

and i always wonder about the same thing too

observing my frds i realized that some ppl are just shallow and hollow inside and i dont think i can change them
2008-03-29 10:39 am
Very good question. I always think that Somebody is buying into the stuff, or else these businesses, TV shows and actors would go out of business.

I don't shop, or buy a new car every year or have lots of 'stuff' - even though I have the means. I don't watch much of anything on TV - most of it is too stupid and as you note; superficial.

I do invest in my and my children's education, work in a 'useful' and purposeful career, and keep in touch with reality at all costs.

I guess the best way to explain it is people can get caught up in the superficial and ridiculous when there is so much good and unselfish work to be done.

Just remember, it takes all kinds of people to make the world 'go round'. I guess to some it would be 'boring' not to indulge in the things you mentioned. There is nothing you can do to change them.

Just keep yourself on track and try not to get caught up in the goofiness!

I'm glad you have your head on straight!

You will go far in your life! : )
參考: RN/FL

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