need help with game installation?

2008-03-28 9:09 pm
everytime i click on the installation , it say EXE the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is in correct

回答 (6)

2008-03-28 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sounds kinda similar to a problem i had installing halo 2 on my pc.
what i did, is ran the installer through the built in admin, and it worked fine.
just open a command prompt (run>cmd>enter)
and type this "net user administrator /active:yes"
without ".
install, and to turn it off again, type the same thing except replace yes, with no.
2008-03-29 4:13 am
if you downloaded it then u need to redownload it with a download manager.... if its off a disk then ur disk is scratched.... from what i know a syntax error just means that ur missing data
2008-03-29 4:12 am
If you have your hard drive labeled via Windows Explorer/My Computer, try removing the name.
2008-03-29 4:12 am
tell me ur adress i will come over and install it
2008-03-29 4:12 am
if you downloaded the game, try to re download it, if that doesn't work, if you have windows visit, right click the icon and select "run as administrator"
2008-03-29 4:11 am

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