Vitamins for babies?

2008-03-28 7:50 pm
My daughter is just about 1, and has growingly become a picky eater.
I try to get anything I can into her, but she could care less. (she eats, just not much before it all goes flying from the HC onto the floor)
she is on formula for a few more weeks, I am planning on giving her Milk after a year.
I know right now the formula is giving her what she needs for nutrition as long as whatever I can get her to eat.
But, after I switch over to milk. Should she take vitamins? I do not see her eating patterns changing anytime soon.

*personal opinions of formula fed babies, keep to yourself*

I just want to know if anyone has given baby vitamins to their child, and any pros and cons.

I am planning on talking to the doc, but it is nice to hear from moms as well.


and dads......sorry.

回答 (10)

2008-03-28 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I never gave mine vitamins honey and they were pretty picky sometimes. Scarlett went about a year once and only ate cheese balls and donut holes. I don't think Rhett has eaten anything but chicken and macaroni and cheese since he was a year old - he's 11 now and healthy as a horse. Talk to her pediatrician. I ♥ you for being such a good mom. ♥
2008-03-29 3:09 am
Try putting flavored beer in her bottles, it will do wonders in calming her down.
參考: Experience
2008-03-29 3:25 am
I'd stick with formula until she is eating a well balanced diet. You know she tolerates it, you know she'll drink it, why switch? You can limit it to 20oz and offer milk after that if money is an issue.

I've been feeding my baby iron-fortified formula. When is it okay to switch to whole cow's milk? Research comparing cow's milk and formula-fed infants during the first year of life has shown that cow's milk is irritating to the intestines of a tiny infant, causing infants to lose a tiny bit of blood in their stools, contributing to iron deficiency anemia. There is very little iron in cow's milk anyway, and the iron that is there is poorly absorbed. Concern about iron-deficiency anemia has led the American Academy of Pediatrics, backed by solid research, to discourage the use of cow's milk in children under one year of age. One of America's top pediatric hematologists (blood specialist), the late Dr. Frank Oski , Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkin University (and co-author of a book entitled: Don't Drink Your Milk) advised parents to be cautious and not rush into the use of cow's milk, even during the second year of life. At present it would seem prudent to continue giving your baby iron-fortified formula during the second year of life and very gradually wean him to dairy products, beginning with yogurt. If your toddler generally has a balanced diet and routine hemoglobin tests show that he is not even close to being anemic, then switch from formula to whole milk sometime during the second year, but don't be in a hurry.
2008-03-29 3:06 am
I have to 'hide' vitamins in both my girls food/drink. I crush up calcium in their drinks because they wont drink milk. My three year old takes half a chewable vitamin--the other I have to crush the vitamin and stir it in her drink as well.

The doctor told me this was FINE.

Ask your doctor about the PolyViSol vitamin drops for babies. Both mine were on this.
2008-03-29 3:19 am
Don't fret about her eating habits...I promise all toddlers are picky eaters...almost to the point you think she is starving....just make sure she is not drinking to much that will keep her to full to eat food...feed her when SHE is hungry...not when you think she should be....and then offer her healthy food....if she turns her nose at what you have offered not give in and give her something else...I made that mistake....THAT is what creates picky eaters...when given to many firm mom and don't give in....its hard I first ran our household..and believe me that is not fun....her doctor will tell you if she needs vitamins or not....good luck doll...glad those days are over for me...!
2008-03-29 3:09 am
I think instead of giving vitamins you should try to correct your daughters pickiness...there are lots of ways you can spice up veggies to make them more appealing to young ones..they same for fruits and meat....just find some recipes she likes and get her over her will be best for both of you! Just my opinion....if there is absolutely NOTHING you can cook her that's nutritrious then you could give her pedialyte or ensure...they have lots of vitamins in them.
2008-03-29 3:15 am

If I were unable to breastfeed for any reason, I would definitely introduce my baby to viamins with this stuff. I used their "Floradix" myself. Have you thought of using organic goats milk when you switch to regular milk (you can add folic acid yourself), instead of cows? I just have to advocate that either way you choose, to try an organic kind... you could search the benefits and studies on those if you'd like.

I think one aspect of supplementation is to make sure that your baby is getting enough of what they need, and also not too much iron.

~~In good baby health~~

ooh before i get a bunch of thumbs down, i want to also mention... not giving a young baby vitamins... only around toddler age if they are not getting proper supplementation from a milk source or decline nutritious foods.
參考: btw... this months Mothering Magazine has an awesome article on baby foods with recipes as well. I can't wait to try them all out :)
2008-03-29 3:10 am
I asked my son's pediatrician the same question when I switched from formula to fresh milk. He told me it was my choice and since he's a good eater and big for his age I've never given him anything besides fluoride for his teeth. You may want to lay off the vitamins for the few little bit when you go through the transition since she won't have all of the supplements that she does have in formula maybe her appetite will increase and you can get her to eat more. If you see that her eating patterns still don't change then go with the vitamins. She's only one, things will change and change back and so on. I used to think my son was one way but kids tend to grow out and back into anything.

good luck Hun!
2008-03-29 3:09 am
The most recent and reliable research on this very question has shown that giving babies or toddlers vitamins...does nothing to help them.

They get all the vitamins they need from either formula or breast

And we did both with ours. Not going to breast feed while driving on the highway for example..or visiting certain people either. Ooops sorry...that's a personal opinion.
Sigh. But the research isn't.
2008-03-29 3:43 am
not only for babies but also for everyone in all age

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