MEN: If you could change something about women, what would it be?

2008-03-28 6:23 pm
Could be anything.....

回答 (21)

2008-03-28 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
stop all this "strong in dependant woman" crap.... its good that y'all feel like that..... but to many of you are too assertive takin it too far and forgetting natures way....... women should be women and stop trying to behave like men.... leave that to us.....
2008-03-28 6:30 pm
Their inability to seperate emotions from logic and facts.

Women have an incredible ability to completely disregard logci and the facts, and listen only to their emotions. If a man says "I don't really like that shirt on you", the woman only hears "your fat, and ugly". And it is simply because she is only listening to her emotions. Instead of looking at it from a logical point of view, and seeing the facts.
2008-03-28 6:28 pm
I'd give you all the ability to sit quietly for extended periods of time.
2008-03-28 6:28 pm
Making changes now would only make things more complicated.
2008-03-28 6:28 pm
All the beautiful ones would want to sleep with me...
2016-12-18 12:13 am
It relies upon on if the guy is fairly wanting to alter himself for greater suitable motives, or if he's purely "retaining himself returned." If it particularly is the latter, then he hasn't fairly "grew to become a clean leaf", and could likely return to his outdated behavior if put in specific circumstances. If he's a "replaced guy," then he won't be tempted under any circumstances to fall returned into the behavior that he has willingly replaced with a view to delight his woman by way of fact he's not a similar guy.
2008-03-28 10:33 pm
I'd make them all compact and inflatable, something I could carry around in my back pocket. The kind you can purchase at any vending machine. You would be able to select hair color and style, body shape tall or small, intelligent or not and with or without sound. When you got hot you'd roll them out and when you were not you'd put them in the dish washer and wash them out. This would be called a "Small Piece of Male Heaven"
2008-03-28 7:36 pm
Maybe changed all women sexy and forever young
2008-03-28 6:59 pm
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -- Emerson
"The only way to have a friend is to be one." -- Emerson
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." -- Emerson
2008-03-28 6:26 pm
the ability to stop hurting me 8[

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