There're some gossips about me?

2008-03-28 6:06 pm
I was told that some other girls in school dislike me
and there were rumors about me said that I am a easy-anger person which is completely rediculous.becoz people who know me think I am definetely a good person with good personalities. I know that I should ignore the gossips and keep being myself but I just can't. and I keep thinking about this issue and figuring that what caused the wrong appearace of me. I am so upset and frustrated.

回答 (4)

2008-03-28 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your acts show more than words.........and people will see this. Keep your friends and careless about what other who envy you says. The more ears you give to this, the more joyful effect your enemies will have, so , don't let them...ignore them. If you have a chance to bring this issue up, just do it very educated and relaxed.............just say, Yeah, I know there are some rumors about me, but I really don't care much, they can say whatever they want, maybe they're mad because they feel bad I don't talk to them, I don't know, but at least I am somebody who's worth the rumors.......compared to them, everyones know them as loosers...............and are ignored............jajajajajajaja!!!! and plus, they are afraid of me....because of my anger!! jajajajajajaja!! Boo!

For a problem to exist needs to be fed both ways..........if it's only one way, it will dissapear.....your actions will be the ones showing the true.
2008-03-29 1:13 am
It's either jealousy or they just have to have someone to pick on because inside they are insecure. Continue to ignore them. They are not worth your time and energy. And do not let them know that it bothers you, or else they will continue to create false rumors.
參考: Good luck and hang in there!
2008-03-29 1:13 am
you should continue being yourself and ignore them but i know thats hard sometimes. if you want, prove them wrong by acting like the opposite of what their saying about you. if their saying your an easily angered person, do something nice for them, or have them see you doing something nice for someone else. that may make them feel a bit stupid for gossiping. good luck
2008-03-29 1:40 am
Don't worry about it too much , there's gossip going on about everyone at some point in their life.. just look on the good side of things and realize that ur true friends aren't going to believe all the gossip that's going around and they will be there for u while everyone is going around saying stuff that isn't true.

If u let it bother u and the people who are spreading the gossip around see that u let it bother u, they are gonna feel like they are accomplishing what they wanna do by making u feel bad or annoyed or sad.. whatever u might be feeling.. so just stay strong and don't listen to nothing they say.

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