
2008-03-29 6:14 am
本人遲幾年就可能會到美國讀大學( 暫定:新澤西州 New Jersey)
一直都擔心生活上的各樣細節 , 希望曾經留學的朋友幫幫手!!

(c) -0-咁底衫褲呢.......................?!


(d)關於在家開party...tell me!

(a)美國的單車大約幾錢架?! (二手都ok)


回答 (2)

2008-03-29 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
How much food and every day expenses would be depends on which college you are going to... $3 for a meal in school is considered pretty cheap. Where I am now a meal is at least $6! It`s just that because we come from Asia, American food gets really really really boring after a while. Seriously you will definitely need a break from all those nonsense.

Whether is it cheaper to live off campus depends on where you are too... but it is definitely not recommended for freshmen because if you do that you won`t get to know people and you won`t get the fun part of college life. Some American cities are not safe - like Newark in N.J. - thus living in dorms is always the best if you are new there.

It is extremely rare for apartments or dorms to provide you with free washing machines and dryers. Again, don`t expect $0.50 - I am paying freaking $1.25 per wash and $1.25 per dry now. And save up your $0.25 coins... Those would be extremely useful for laundry if your apartment is retarded enough to not have a coin machine in the laundry room...

Only the utmost jerks steal other people`s food in the communal fridge. Be sure to label your food though.

Cabinets and bed and desks and chairs are always there for dorms, some even have built in kitchens and bathrooms (depending on how much money you are willing to spend), but you can be rest assured there will NOT be a TV in your room. If you rent apartments outside, you have to ask the landlord: some do provide basic furniture, but most don`t.

Party is definitely not a problem. Party all you want - that`s what college is about :D

American public transport is as bad as it can ever get. They are not reliable and expensive. Thus if you live far from campus, cycling is still the best, and you won`t need a new bike because they tend to get stolen. Or if you can get a car... it can really improve your quality of life because you can go find good Chinese food or go to somewhere nice or buy grocery anytime you want!
2008-03-29 8:05 am
衣 :
Yes, most 宿舍 comes with washing machine. But they are not free. You need to put in money to use it. Usually about US $ 0.5 ~ $1 to use it once. 底衫褲 ? wash everything together, or you can wash them by hand. 乾衫 : usually there is a 乾衣機 right next to the 洗衣機, again, US $ 0.5 ~ $1 every time you use it.
食 :
食物會被室友拿走嗎 ? Usually this will not happen. But that depends on who you are living with.
大學的食物 : 平, around $3 per meal. But 超難食 !
住 :
大學宿舍 is your best bet. It is close to school so you can walk to class. You will meet more people. 合租屋 is a little cheaper, you can consider this after your first year, after you have some close friends and know the place well enough.
宿舍家具 : 床,衣櫃, 書桌, thats all. 電視, 雪櫃 in common room.
合租屋家具 : depends, some comes with everything, some do not.
在家開party ? Sure ! have a party every day ! that is what people goes to college for !
行 :
單車 around $80 new. 二手 really depends. If someone is leaving college you may actually get it for free. Besides, you can take bus, or buy a cheap used car around US$ 1000.

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