請問各位, 要有最少幾多儲蓄才可做業主呢?

2008-03-29 2:22 am
請問各位, 要有最少幾多儲蓄才可做業主呢? 什麼樓都可以.

回答 (2)

2008-03-29 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have a reliable job, then you can choose to use 95% mortgage. For 95%, you need to pay 5% of the price of the premise. If we include the 1% agent commission, 1.5% stamp duty, you may need around 10%. For a premise costs HK$2,000,000.00, you need HK$200,000.00 for the downpayment.

If you don't have reliable job, then you can choose to use 70% mortgage. For 70%, you need to pay 30% of the price of the premise. If we include the 1% agent commission, 1.5% stamp duty, you may need around 35%. For a premise costs HK$2,000,000.00, you need HK$700,000.00 for the downpayment.
2008-03-29 2:29 am
我個人認的為最少要有一份穩定的職業 ,
儲蓄最少 70 萬作首期及律師費,才可考慮當小業主。

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:49:23
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