hydrochloric acid in stomach既問題.................

2008-03-28 9:16 pm
hydrochloric acid係個胃果度, 有stop the action of salivary amylase 既作用.


回答 (2)

2008-03-29 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實係因為胃有一隻enzymes protease,,佢係active 係ph 值 若係HCL既ph 值
而係口腔,有隻enzymes amylase,,佢係ACTIVE 係PH 較鹼性既地方
所以,,當食物入到胃,,原本既AMYLASE既ACTION就停左,,因為PH係酸,,唔係鹼,,而PROTEASE就可以WORK active
ps 其實之後既starch or carbohydrate 會係small intestine 再digest既
2008-03-29 1:12 am
Protease, which is used to digest protein, is active at very low pH. The HCl stops the action of amylase and helps the action of protease. Therefore the stomach is the site for digesting protein.

2008-03-31 14:23:01 補充:
In addition to helping protease, HCl can coagulate milk protein into solids, so that it increases the time milk stays in the stomach and more throughout digestion can be achieved.

咁多功能, 唔明點解有人會話冇用 =.=

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