
2008-03-28 7:21 pm
1. 如果我想買一百萬中人壽,我出50萬,用孖展借50萬,咁我每個月大概要還幾多利息啊(定是銀行要求要還息加上小小本錢啊)?仲有可唔可以借孖展長揸股票架?
2. 咁如果我買左50萬中人壽先,再抵押比銀行,咁又可以借到幾多,利息又是大概幾多啊(定是銀行要求要還息加上小小本錢啊)?

回答 (1)

2008-03-29 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The key point is do not contact Public Finance and other company who will charge you low interest but VERY-HIGH penalty. My friend borrows money from (大眾財務) with 1.2% per month flat rate but PF said the actual interest will be 3.0% FROM START OF CONTRACT if early repayment is requested. Beware of the penalty terms of the contract before signing.

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