哪個牌子相機影拍賣近照最好? clear and quick?

2008-03-28 2:32 pm
哪個牌子相機影拍賣近照最好? clear and quick?
I just bought one SAMSUNG L73, but the photos are very blurred in short distance about 40-60CM. i don't trust samsung anymore


回答 (3)

2008-03-28 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I Think Canon EOS-1D Mark III Is The Best~

擁有全球最高速*每秒10張連續拍攝速度的EOS-1D Mark III專業數碼單鏡反光相機,配備雙DIGIC III數碼影像處理器,提供極高速運算能力以處理影像數據,可連續拍攝多達110張JPEG或30張RAW影像。全新研發的第三代1,010萬像素APS-H尺寸CMOS影像感應器是佳能目前擁有最佳感光能力和最創新的CMOS影像感應器,它為相機帶來無可比擬的超高影像質素及ISO 100至ISO 3200的標準ISO感光度設定。EOS-1D Mark III配備一系列革命性功能,讓用家擁有前所未有的優質拍攝體驗,包括提供19個超精確十字型對焦點及26個輔助對焦點的全新高速區域自動對焦系統、嶄新63區精密測光系統及以特大3吋LCD螢幕進行即時顯示(Live View)拍攝功能等。擁有極速拍攝及可靠耐用的EOS-1D Mark III為專業的體育及新聞攝影記者不容錯過的專業拍攝器材,其出色影像質素及更佳的低亮度拍攝表現亦同時成為一眾專業用家及業餘攝影愛好者的拍攝首選。
2008-03-28 7:57 pm
If I understand, you ask for 微距? Or take picture for wide shot?
You should buy the digital cam have "Micro"微距 function...
If you need more wide shot... you should get 25mm or 28mm lens DC.

Please be note that... You camera can also take a nice photos... how come your get Blurred shot in distance... I think when you take photos.. your hands are shake... if you use small tripod... you should get nice photos.... Please also beware that... if the DC have 微距 function, when you use it... the 快門 speed may be slow... you also have to sure your hands not shake!!!
2008-03-28 7:19 pm
My work is sell the camera in the network .....also need take photo with the porduct , i suggest use the more big one camera...because can easy to hold the camera , e.g. canon s5is , G9 , panasonic Fz50......and i using Canon G9,because G9 the Marco faction is the batter.....if u want can send email to me na ^^
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