
2008-03-28 10:52 am

回答 (4)

2008-03-29 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
我兩年前响皮膚科醫生到做過激光洗眼線, 係朋友介紹, 我見效果好所以去洗, 收$2,000(包洗到清為止),我要洗3次, 效果滿意。
至於洗紋眉要$3,000,都係包洗到滿意, (check 過其他醫院,要4-5仟蚊, 仲要續次計), 但我冇做, 反而响兩星期前好大膽咁去深圳做咗,講價后要$500一次, 再洗會收平d, 都ok, 相信要做多1次至清。佢話係彩光,但我覺得同激光一樣。
至於痛就一定痛,紋眉都痛啦,我好明白你嘅心情,因為我曾經係咁, 但洗咗之後就睇起上來年輕咗, 唔洗有條灰灰藍藍嘅眉响面上咁肉酸, 所以如果想要返個樣嘅, 痛都要忍吓, 但唔係你所講痛到頂唔順咁。醫生話如果係[綉眉]就好難洗清, 會留下紅印。
如果你想洗嘅, 我可以俾醫生個電話你, 問清楚,了解多d至決定,醫生到做係會安全d嘅!

參考: 個人經驗
2008-11-06 7:07 pm
allsmiles , 我想請問下個皮膚醫生ge資料呀, 我想洗眼線...


所以只好係度留訊息, 希望你睇到...

2008-03-28 8:38 pm
對於洗眉我唔知, 但冷光同激光就可以答吓你
2008-03-28 8:10 pm
Cold Laser Therapy is used to describe the use of low level laser energy, which is a non-invasive, drug free treatment that helps reduce and eliminate pain. This therapy is also commonly referred to as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).
The term Cold Laser is used to distinguish it from hot lasers which is commonly used in surgery, hair removal, and tattoo removal.

However QS Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) is the most commonly used laser for tattoo removal. It has extremely short-duration (10 nanoseconds) pulses with high peak power. It is effective in the treatment of blue-black tattoos, On the average, tattoos require 5 – 8 treatment sessions at 2 – 3 months interval. Local anaestheia would be need to reduce the pain.

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