How do I make my chicken moist, juicy, delicious, and most importantly, taste like real chicken?

2008-03-27 7:45 pm
The natural flavor of chicken is in the skin. However, skin is high in fat and I am on a low fat diet. If I cook chicken without the skin, the meat would taste bland. If I cook chicken with the skin on, the fat in the skin would get soaked into the meat. What should I do? I much prefer chicken's natural flavor rather than some commercial flavorings.

回答 (13)

2008-03-27 8:14 pm
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There is a measurable amount of fat in the skin. HOWEVER, if you cook the chicken with the skin on it, the meat doesn't "absorb" the fat. You take in the fat if you eat the skin as well as the drippings without straining the fat out of it.

Remember to remove the pockets of fat in the carcass of the bird prior to cooking to help keep the fat down. After roasting, use a fat separator (which are widely available) to cleanse the drippings for a healthier sauce or gravy. And don't eat the skin!

One more thing, going back to your core question; how to get a more flavoursome chicken. Really, it's about the quality of the meat which means you have to pay out for the good, organic corn-fed free-range chicken to find the flavours you remember that chicken was suppose to taste like, which is missing now in the age of forced growth battery birds.

2008-03-28 2:51 am
Beer Can chicken

Most nutritionist agree that if you remove the skin before eating, after cooking, there is VERY little fat difference in the meat.
2008-03-28 5:02 am
Try buying good cage free chicken.. and add a little bit of lemon juice to the pan you are cooking in.. Just a squirt.. salt and pepper and whatever other spices you like with your chicken..and be sure to not over cook it..
2008-03-28 3:54 am
Thaw the chicken in refrigerator. Never let it stay out to thaw as it will cause salmonella.

I remove all the skin after I have cut the pieces into serving pieces. I then make a brine of:

2 cups water
2 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. pepper

Place these ingredients into a zip lock bag and be sure that everything is dissolved. Place the chicken in the bag and add 3 slices of lemon. Close bag and put into a bowl and place in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes (overnight will be fine also). You want to try and get the brine to cover the chicken as much as possible, so I place it in a bowl. You could also just put the brine in a bowl and forget the zip lock bag. Remove the chicken and either grill or BBQ.

Using a brine locks in the flavor and keeps the chicken moist when being cooked. The works extremely well on chicken breast.

By removing the skin, you are avoiding the fat that would be in the skin. You could also add other spices to the brine. Sometimes I toss in a couple of cloves of garlic. Experiment with spices.
2008-03-28 3:14 am
Removing the skin after cooking still keeps you in a low-fat range. Just make sure to remove as much of the visible fat before cooking it.

A great way to keep chicken moist is to poach it. You can poach it in chicken stock or use a bouillion cube.
2008-03-28 2:59 am
Those oven bags (like the ones smart people cook their turkey in every Thanksgiving) might be an option for you.
2008-03-28 2:58 am
*As a snack grilled with a low carb sauce
*For Dinner with a fibrous vegetable

However, consuming chicken this often can cause you to get tired of it, can’t it? I know I’ve gotten bored of eating chicken more than once!

So I’ve put together 5 ways for you guys to make chicken taste great again! Also, these tips won’t shoot your carb count through the roof.

Top 5 Ways To Make Your Chicken Dishes Interesting

(1) Marinating. You can infuse your chicken with all sorts of flavors by marinating it for about 24 hours before cooking. I buy my chicken fillets in bulk so I tend to defrost 5 fillets at a time. When I feel like a little change I’ll marinate the thawed, raw fillets first before oven cooking.

(2) Spice it up. Get a spice rack to make your meals a little more adventurous. One of my favorite things to do with raw fillets is to shake a little curry powder over them before putting into the oven; it adds a whole new taste to the finished result. You can also try these:

Italian recipes: garlic, oregano, basil and thyme
Thai recipes: cilantro, lime juice, ginger, coconut milk and lemongrass
Mexican : Chilli Powder

(3) Keep the Skin. When cooking a whole chicken, keep the skin on. You’ll be amazed at how much flavor this seals in. You can always remove the skin afterwards if you wish.

(4) Brine. Another way to infuse your raw fillets with more flavor is to soak them in brine. Brining involves soaking your chicken in a salt and sugar solution; we’re going to ditch the sugar though. Simply dissolve half a cup of salt in water and soak your chicken fillets in it for 3 – 12 hours. Refrigerate while brining. Please note that this will shorten the cooking time a little, so be careful not to overcook.

(5) Saute. Cut your chicken into strips and fry lightly. If you’re on the low-carb part of the MANS bodybuilding diet, this is perfect. Fry in some butter, or, if your on the carb-up portion, you can simply sauté in a non-stick skillet with no oil.


2008-03-28 2:56 am
cook it on the pan ,add chipotle and cooked chopped onions and just a bit of sugar =) tahts my fave chicken recipe. and believe it or not it still taste like chickes ;)
參考: my grandma
2008-03-28 2:55 am
First things first allow chicken to come to room temperature before anything is done to it. then baste it with butter and fry it closing down the pours. and and then bake at 365 F for 12 min. and allow meat to rest for maybe 4 mins. prior to serving.
2008-03-28 2:59 am
Well how I make baked chicken is as follows:
-Season your chicken very well I use salt, peper and other stuff.....................
-Put a little butter on the top of each piece of chicken
-Put a little bit of water and butter in the bottom of the pan (about an inch or so)
-Put aluminum foil over the pan and poke a couple of wholes in it
-Let the chicken cook for about 30-45 minutes
-Turn over put a little more butter and then let cook for another 30-45 minutes and you have yourself some good tasting chicken that falls right off the bones.

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