2,456,000 scientific notation ?

2008-03-27 3:48 pm

scientific notation

Use the process of prime factorization to list the following number by its prime factors

回答 (7)

2008-03-27 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1
2.456 x 10^6

Question 2
3.4125 x 10^4

Question 3
Has not been completed !
2008-03-27 4:03 pm
2,456,000 = 2.456x10 to the power 6

34,125 = 3.4125x10 to the power 4
2008-03-27 3:53 pm
Put the decimal inbetween the 1st and 2nd numbers, count the numbers after the decimal and put x10^____ (fill in the blank with however many numbers there are.

2.456 x 10 ^ 6

3.4125 x 10 ^ 4
2008-03-27 3:52 pm
= 2.456 x 10^6

= 3.4125 x 10^4
2008-03-27 3:52 pm
2.456 x 10 to the 6
3.4125 x 10 to the 4

Which "following number"? You haven't listed one.
2008-03-27 3:51 pm
I think 2.456 X 10^6
2008-03-27 3:51 pm
2,456,000 = 2.456 * 10^6

34,125 = 3.4125 * 10^4

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