
2008-03-28 7:22 am


1.Kitty's knowledge is very wide.

2.Sam got a wide view of history.

3.Alice can speak a lot of languages widely.

4.Nowsday,people almost widely accept homosexuality.

5.T&T is a subject which is very prevalent and mushrooming fast.

6.Bringing mobile phone to school is prevalent in the recent years.

7.We need to be serious to address this trouble.

8.If we don't address this problem now, we will trouble.

9.We have the responsibility to shoulder this problem with Ken.

10.Chinese Culture Revolution hadn't any benefit or advantage for china.

11.Studying overseas burdens parents with a large number of expense.

12.China should innovates the western thought as beginning to mighty.

13.Innovation is necessary of a nation's development.

14.Dr Sun Yixian was a person who was very innovative.

15."Innovative thought is very important adn meaningful of our corporation"the CEO said.

16.Dr Sun Yixian had innovated the politics system of China.

17.HK government pledges to provide benefits to the public.

18.I gave my mother my word that I will study hard.

19.Your decision will influence the whole company.

20.Chinese culture had influenced Asia deeply.

give sb my/your word係一個idiom....解promise.....


Original. Studying overseas burdens parents with a large number of expense. Suggestion: Studying overseas burden parents with huge expense. ( expense 是支出, 不能如 1,2,3,4 等可以數算的, 所以不用 large number of。) stduying overseas後面個個burden唔洗加s?

回答 (2)

2008-03-30 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
original: Kitty 's knowledge is very wide.
suggestion: Kitty 's knowledge is extensive.
( wide 較少與knowledge一起並用。wide 一般用來形容實物、可看得見的物體, 例如河流。而knowledge 是無形的。extensive 一詞可明確指出那人的知識「很廣博」,對很多方面都有認識。)

original: Sam got a wide view of history.
suggestion: Sam 's view of history is broad.
(如上提及,view 屬無形之物,故不會以wide 來形容。broad 指廣闊,以此來形容「視野、看法」較恰當。但為何不用 extensive 呢 ? 因extensive 帶有 「廣泛、牽涉很多不同方面」之意,反之 broad 則較針對「單一」情況, 例如現題只是針對「看法」, 並未包括「研究、認識」等等之情況。簡單點來說,如以中文來翻譯,我們會說「他對歷史的看法真全面」, 但我們不會說「他對歷史的看法真廣博」。

original:Alice can speak a lot of languages widely.
suggestion: Alice can speak a lot of languages.
( 無須 widely。因句子已明確指出 alice 能操多種語言 )

original:.Nowsday,people almost widely accept homosexuality.
suggestion: Nowadays most people start to accept homosexuality.
( 原句有點奇怪。人們「幾乎廣泛地」接受 .... 接受=接受, 不接受=不接受, 未接受=未接受。「幾乎接受」會比較難理解,而當譯作英文時,就更難理解。直接一點的說法,是「大部份人正開始接受」..).

original:.T&T is a subject which is very prevalent and mushrooming fast.
suggestion: T&T is a subject which is very popular and mustrooming.
( prevalent 多指風氣、氣氛等。而科目此等實質主體,我們會用popular 。mushroom 本身已帶有「大量、急促」之意, 無須再加上 fast . )

original:.Bringing mobile phone to school is prevalent in the recent years.
suggestion: Bringing mobile phone to school is common in recent years.
(如上提及, prevalent 多指風氣、氣氛等。而攜帶手機回校是一種習慣多於一種風氣, 以common (普遍) 來形容較為合適。風氣一般是指無形的大氣候, 例如追捧明星、投資股票等。還有,”the” 一般出現在特定的單位前,例 in the year of 1997, in the year of SARS. 而recent years 並未指定哪幾年,所以無須加上「the」 )

Original:.We need to be serious to address this trouble.
Suggestion: We need to be serious in dealing with this trouble.
(address 字應用不當。不知道閣下是否想表示「我們必須認真地處理這個麻煩」? Serious 之後一般是加「in」來分隔其後的動詞。Deal with 表示「處理」。

Original:.If we don't address this problem now, we will trouble.
Suggestion: If we don’t take care of the problem now, we will be in trouble
(address 字應用不當。不知道閣下是否想表示「如我們現在不去處理這個問題」? Deal with 或 take care 均可解作「處理」。尾句可寫「we will have trouble 我們會有麻煩」或「we will be in trouble」。但為何不可譯作「we will trouble」呢 ? 因中文會譯作「我們會麻煩」, 變成詞不達意。

2008-03-30 02:50:04 補充:
Original:.We have the responsibility to shoulder this problem with Ken.
Suggestion: We should shoulder the responsibility with Ken.
( SHOULDER 解作承擔。為何不可譯作「shoulder this problem」呢 ? 因中文會譯作「承擔這個問題」, 變成詞不達意。問題是需要被處理、解決和面對, 不能被承擔。需要被承擔的是責任、過失等。

2008-03-30 02:51:03 補充:
Original. Studying overseas burdens parents with a large number of expense.
Suggestion: Studying overseas burden parents with huge expense.
( expense 是支出, 不能如 1,2,3,4 等可以數算的, 所以不用 large number of。)

2008-03-30 02:51:57 補充:
Original: China should innovates the western thought as beginning to mighty.
Suggestion: Chinese should learn from the western thought in order to strengthen itself.
( innovate 指革新或創新,意思是自成一套。所以, 如要取用西方思想,應是從中「學習」, 而非從別人的思想中「創新」, learn from 最恰當。)

2008-03-30 02:52:27 補充:
Original:.Innovation is necessary of a nation's development.
Suggestion: Innovation is necessary for a nation’s development.
( FOR 帶點「為了」的意思, 較恰當。 Of 則常用於連帶關係, 例如 the nose of a man, the victory of a nation )

2008-03-30 02:53:16 補充:
Original:.Dr Sun Yixian was a person who was very innovative.
Suggestion: 句子文法沒有問題。不過,如果句子中的孫中山先生是人人皆知的「人」, 那便無須額外指出他是一個PERSON 了。DR. = DOCTOR 已很明確地表示此人為「人」。句子可以簡潔地寫成「Dr. Sun Yixian was very innovative.」)

2008-03-30 02:53:29 補充:
Original:."Innovative thought is very important adn meaningful of our corporation"the CEO said.
Suggestion: Innovative thought is very important and meaningful for our corporation.” The CEO said.
( FOR 帶點「為了」的意思, 較恰當。 Of 則常用於連帶關係, 例如 the nose of a man, the victory of a nation )

2008-03-30 03:00:45 補充:
Original:.Dr Sun Yixian had innovated the politics system of China.
Suggestion: Dr. Sun Yixian innovated the politics system of China.
( 無須 had。Had 指「曾經」, 帶有「特定時間及現在已沒有再進行」之意。孫中山先生革新了中國的政治制度是個力代不衰的事實。但如改為,孫中山先生於二十世紀初曾經革新了中國的政治制度, 有註明時間,就可用上「had innovated」)

2008-03-30 03:01:14 補充:
Original:.HK government pledges to provide benefits to the public.
Suggestion: 文法沒有問題, 但意思出現問題。政府理應為大眾提供福利, 此屬常規,這也是為什麼人們要納稅,所以應無須用上「pledge」字。但如換個說法, 香港政府表示會提供特別、非常規性之福利, 那便可用上 pledge 字)

2008-03-30 03:01:31 補充:
Original: .I gave my mother my word that I will study hard.
Suggestion: I promise my mother that I will study hard.
(文法不通。Promise 已可完全表達承諾之意。)

Original:.Your decision will influence the whole company.
Suggestion: 完全正確。

2008-03-30 03:02:59 補充:
Original:.Chinese culture had influenced Asia deeply
Suggestion: Chinese culture influenced Asia deeply.
( 同上。中國文化影響亞洲非常深遠是個力代不衰的事實, 不牽涉「曾經」。但如改為,中國文化曾於二十世紀深深地影響亞洲,有註明時間,暗示了現在的中國文化對亞洲之影響應已不再像二十世紀時那樣深遠,就可用上「had influenced」。)

2008-03-30 03:03:14 補充:
Original.Chinese Culture Revolution hadn't any benefit or advantage for china.
Suggestion: Chinese Cultural Revolution did not bring China any benefit or advantage.
( 同上, 無須 had。中國文化大革命未有為中國帶來任何好處, 此項是一個力代不衰的事實, 不牽涉「曾經」。另, 正確名稱是 CHINESE CULTURAL REVOLUTION, 不是 CULTURE REVOLUTION)
參考: history fanatics
2008-03-28 7:59 am
1 Kitty's knowledge is very rich.知識只會用rich來形容豐富,不會用wide.
2 Sam have a wide view of hstory.對歷史的見識是用have,不用got,因為got解得到,不是解擁有,而且Sam擁有對歷史廣闊的認識係fact,所以用present tense,have,不用had.
3 Alice can speak a lot of languages.刪去widely便足夠.
4 Nowadays,people almost widely accept homosexuality.串錯字
5 Correct
6 Correct
7 Correct
8 If we don't address this problem now, we will in trouble.加上prep in 令句意完整.
9 Correct
10 Correct
11 Correct
12 use study or learn to replace innovates.
13 Correct
14 Correct
15 and not adn,spelling mistake.
16 Correct
17 Correct
18 I promise to my mother that I will study hard.
19 Correct
20 Correct

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