✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes.
If the financial statements is prepared under the Small GAAP and to apply for the auditor's True and Correct view of the financial statements under Section 141D of the Comapnies Ordinance instead of using the Big GAAP for a True and Fair View. This 141D issue is usually applied to small limited company. And, it is required that such an application form must be signed by all shareholders of the company. Please note these wordings "Section 141D of the Companies Ordinance" in the application form.
2. As a Court Order has been issued summoning the company to attend the hearing on breach of Inland Revenue Ordinance, a director or an authorised person must go before the judge to admit the offence and hence must have a penalty. If you can tell the judge that the accounts has been submitted to IRD and be confirmed the same by IRD in the court, the penalty maybe lighter.
After that, you can communicate for a further extension to IRD maybe via your auditor. Of course, you have to make sure that you must comply with this and no more similar offence be committed.