
2008-03-28 5:48 am
10%的glucose solution放在透析管中,再將呢條透析管放入distilled water beaker中, 水就從外入c-ell 內. 但就算外面ge 水點入, 透析管中的water potential 一定不會等於零, 因為始終有glucose sol-ution, 水應不停入,
------為什麼經過一段時間後, 蔗糖溶液會停止上升?

回答 (3)

2008-03-28 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The above answer is wrong.

The membrane of a dialysis tubing is differentially permeable. As the concentration of glucose in the tubing is higher than the distilled water, glucose molecules diffuse through the membrane and thus, water potential in the beaker decreases.

After a while, the water potential in the tubing and the beaker reach the same level, there is no NET movement of water molecules. Therefore, the water level inside the tubing stops rising.

順帶一提, 原本你一開始講係glucose, 中文應該係葡萄糖而非蔗糖, 蔗糖即係sucrose

假若係sucrose solutoin的話, sucrose molecules are too big to pass through the membrane spaces, diffusion will not occur. water level keeps rising.
參考: My Bio knowledge
2008-03-28 5:52 pm
這問題 9 唔搭 8。又透析管但之後又 cell, 又 glucose solution 但之後又蔗糖溶液,係什麼上升又沒講清楚...
2008-03-28 5:55 am
Because there is a potential difference so there is a net movement of water molecules move from high water potential to low water potential through differentially permeable membrane(透析管).So water level inside 透析管 rises.

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