2008-03-28 1:33 am
1. The heater is switched on and warms the air,The warm air transfers energy
round the room. this type of energy transfer to the room.

1b.explain. as fully as you can,why the warmed air moves round the room in this way. transfer from the room to the outside can be reduced by fixing a sheet of metal foil to the wall behind heater.explain why the metal foil reduces energy to thr outside.

3.give 2 other ways of reducing the transfer of thermal(heat) energy from the room to the outside.

回答 (2)

2008-03-28 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a. convection
b. when the air around the heater was heated, it expands, rises and flow away. than the air blow will be heat up and expand and rise again and again. than heat transffered to all parts of the room.

2. the (infra-red)radiation given out by the heater may by reflected by the metal foil since a foil is a sheet that has a smooth surface which is high reflective.

3. use double layer of glass on windows. a layer of air may trap inside the air spase between two glasses. heat loss reduced by the process of green house effect
參考: my phy teacher's lessons
2008-03-28 5:07 pm
With regards to the previous answer, and consider you as a primary student :P , i would probably answer this way..(plz correct me if i m wrong)

1a. heat/thermal energy (or kinetic energy of air particles)

1b. air particles possess energy, therefore, they move freely around the room, "bumping" into other air particles, transferring energy to neighbor air particles. (heat can only be transferred 1 way, higher energy to lower energy, meaning hotter particles to cooler particles)

2. shinny metal can effectively reflect infra-red (radiation in general), heat energy, preventing the lost of heat energy.

3. Install vacuumed layers of glass, isolate the 2 environment with multi-layer metals...(like those used in satellites to maintain its temperature)
參考: myself + wikipedia

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