
2008-03-28 1:24 am
我有一樣功課係英文日記,寫40字左右,係「how to xxxxxx(唔記得左」,

回答 (2)

2008-03-29 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
40字左右, 中文意思係「如何抵抗疾病」? 你大概可以在日記中寫出以下其中一些重點, 至要具體要怎麼寫, 你看過後自己再修改吧:

1. To stay healthy, I have a balanced diet, and go to bed early so that I can have enough rest.

2. I often wash hands thoroughly with liquid soap and water immediately if I find my hands dirty, especially before I eat.

3. To avoid avian flu, I do not touch or have close contact with live birds, poultry and their droppings.

4. When I find someone coughing or sneezing beside me, I try to stay away and cover my nose with tissue so that I will not be infected easily.
2008-03-28 1:36 am

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