Econ 05 MC(44)

2008-03-28 12:31 am
44. After the introduction of the 'individual visit' scheme, the Chinese government allows individuals from the mainland to travel in Hong Kong. This measure will increase Hong Kong's
(1) tertiary production.
(2) GDP.
(3) invisible trade surplus.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
I choose A as my answer...but the suggested solution is D!!!!!
I cant understand why~ Though there is an increase in export of does not mean a surplus in invisible trade....
the solution said that based on the past statistic...three must be an increase~
but when i m hving do i know the stastistic????
so ...wt should be the ans????

回答 (1)

2008-03-30 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

(3)係correct因為題目既key word"increase"..

increase invisible trade surplus = 有多D inflow of service la = improve (本身有,有individual visit scheme就更好)
並唔係你所解既" a surplus in invisible trade"(本身冇,突然有)..improve doesn't equal a surplus..

so,answer is D..唔明的話,,可以再解詳細少少

2008-03-31 17:55:46 補充:
increase invisible trade surplus = improve export of services


應該係:increase invisible trade surplus = increase export of services = invisible trade improves
參考: 自己, 自己

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