When we say that a person ' blew his top ', what do we mean?

2008-03-27 11:14 pm
When we say that a person ' blew his top ', what do we mean?

回答 (3)

2008-03-28 1:29 am
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blow one's top的意思是(變得非常憤怒)(Cambridge Dictionary online就有以下的解釋:to become extremely angry.
My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the car.
2008-03-28 11:01 pm
是發老脾,痴咗線的意思,是informal用法,是idioms來的,其定義如下: A. to become enraged,lose one's temper. B. to go mad ,become insane.例句: He must have blown his top to make such a fool himself.佢一定係痴咗線先至會做出d甘愚蠢 ga 事.
2008-03-27 11:23 pm
'blew his top' means

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