勞工 - 年假問題

2008-03-27 8:09 pm
我在此公司已工作2年,但公司一向慣例是所有事假都當作年假扣除,而我本身只有7日年假,而每年新年會先扣除5天,即每年只有2天年假,而家2年累積,已欠公司15天,現有以下問題 :

1.) 每年新年會扣除5天是否合法??
2.) 以我所知,年假是不能累積超過某個時限,那欠假是否一樣??
3.) 我公司提出2個意見, a.) 一次過於一個月薪金扣除此15天(以現在薪金計算),即只出半個月糧 b.)一路累積,直至不在這公司工作(但以當時薪金計算.正常來說現在扣除是最好,但一次扣,我根本不能生活,固此我提議分3個月,每月扣5天來扣掉,但公司不同意,我應如何選擇??

回答 (2)

2008-04-01 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 絕對合法, 根據僱傭條例

2. 係, 理論上係唔可以累積超過某個數, but 好多公司都比哄工咁做, 睇下大家點定, 欠假, 公司有權扣返你錢

3. 你可以同公司fight, 個人覺得而家扣好d啦, 第時你加左人工, 就要扣多d $$咖啦
公司當然來你走果陣先一次過扣啦, 可以扣多d

有咩疑問, 打去勞工處啦, 而家駁左去 1823, 通左後話問僱傭條例就得, 好helpful咖
2008-03-27 8:20 pm
1. Its depends on the company poluicy, when u sign the contract with the company, it set between u and the company. So it is legal.

2. Yes. the AL (annual leave) is set for a certain period, if you don't take it and passed the calid period, it will be deduct automatically by HR. But when you owned company holiday and it passed a set period, HR will deducted your salary.

3. It is the normal process by the company viewed. You have to bargain with your company yourself. Or can you work OT for the compensation?

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