
2008-03-27 9:23 am
1. According to "Provisions of Means of Escape in Case of fire 1996" , it has stipulated the required minimum width of each exit door of a room based on the capacity of that room. For example, for capacity below 30 persons, one exit door is required with min. width 750 mm. I would like to ask:-

How does the width of exit door being measured? Measurement taken for the width of the door leafs solely or including the door frame?

2) 開補習社,如果該校不被列為"學校" (即不須領有相關教育牌照),那麼,該社有沒有須要選擇24m以下樓層的寫字樓才可作教學用途?

回答 (1)

2008-03-27 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. According to Notes (ii) of Table 2 in the MOE Code, the width of an exit door should be the least clear width measured between the vertical members of the door frame.

2. If no license is required, I think the 24m requirement will not apply to your case. But I suggest you further checking with Education Department and Buildings Department or an AP first.

2008-03-31 12:19:31 補充:
根據MOE Code 1996 的中文版本:

即係度門框之間的最短距離。Therefore, it is not correct for you to correct the door leaf nor door leaf and door frames.

2008-03-31 12:20:51 補充:
Typo mistakes. Should be:
Therefore, it is not correct for you to measure the door leaf nor door leaf and door frames.
參考: MOE Code 1996

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