I might have met my soul mate?

2008-03-27 7:34 am
I met some one while riding on a bus, I felt like I've known him a long long time ago. I don't strongly believe or disbelieve in reincarnation, but I felt like I was related to him in my past lives. The strange thing is his physical appearance did not have anything to do with this, for I have no recollection of how he looked. I just felt a strong indescribable sensation deep inside of me that pulled me toward him. I felt like I want to love him and make him feel all better. The feeling was non-sexual, more like a motherly love, I guess.

I didn't talk to him because I was shy and I was afraid that it wasn't mutual. But before I left, he said something like "thank you" to me, which made me believe our true connection.

Is this person my soul mate? In what way can he related to me?

Have you also experienced similar feelings? How did it turn out?

回答 (10)

2008-03-27 7:42 am
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If it is true love, you would see each other again
2008-03-27 7:42 am
I've had that feeling a few times in my life.

I hope there's no such thing as reincarnation -- I don't want to go through puberty again.
2008-03-27 7:41 am
I don't believe in a human soul, however, I do believe that people have the ability to make a 'connection' such as the one you describe.
2008-03-27 7:39 am
So...you think you found him and didn't get his number? Hope you come across him on the same bus another day...

Seriously, if you see him again, just give him a sweet-funny look and say "do I know you? You look familiar from someplace" without mentioning where (i.e. the reincarnation or any of that). If anything maybe it will get the ball rolling.
2008-03-27 7:40 am
I know the feeling. I just can't act on it because of my stalking arrest and restraining orders.
2008-03-27 7:44 am
We all have a common soul mate and that is God (I call Him Krishn). What these physical bodies you see, including that of your 'kith and kin' are perishable and can't be your soul mates.

Your soul mate is no different than my soul mate!
2008-03-27 7:47 am
I've always had a hard time to get the word ""soul-mate"". I can't get that we can meet a "soul". It's a figure of speech. You certainly had a good connection. But you're still far from Love. Love isn't a sensation,a memory, image or a pleasant feeling. Love is a mutual communion of two people: " common-union".
Great for you, take care of this!
2008-03-27 7:40 am
I had one too -- it turned out to be classic Romeo and Juliet.

My jealous asshole of a brother beat him up. Now he won't even talk to me.

Reminds me of West-side Story and Cujo. (I don't EXACTLY know why.)
2008-03-27 7:40 am
an this is is R&S y? try singles and dating or relationships. but no I havent felt that way, well maybe once, but shes in the past and nothing ever happened and I blame myself ultimately.
2008-03-27 7:39 am
Ma'am, after death is the judgement(Hebrews 9:27). there is no reincarnation. However, I'm glad you clicked like that. I would find out more about the man though before you go further. good luck.

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