Gods sexism problems are the reason why we are still fighting sexism today?

2008-03-27 7:31 am
Agree or disagree?

回答 (7)

2008-03-27 8:01 am
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That would be primitive-minded men's sexist problems...you know, the one's who dreamed up all-powerful male 'gods' in the first place...
2008-03-27 7:37 am
Jesus was actually was the first and only group leader (of his time) who allowed women to follow his group. He is by no means sexist.

So I disagree.
2008-03-27 7:34 am
Are you trying to say the Bible promotes sexism? This is hardly the case. You are taking verses out of context.
2008-03-27 7:34 am
If women just shut up their wouldn't b a problem.
2008-03-27 7:40 am
GOD IS NOT SEXIST!!! The people who misinterpreted His doctrines may have been, but not God. It's our duty to read between the lines of the documented mistakes of the past and use them as "Don't " examples.
2008-03-27 7:37 am
what's a sexism?

Is it the reincarnating porn machine that doesn't die or is it the anti-everything anarchism?

Be specific!
2008-03-27 7:34 am
Why are you trying to blame God when there are people much closer to home?

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