What do you do to pass the time when you have something heavy on your mind?

2008-03-26 3:21 pm
Besides come on Y!A. The days are just soo long. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I go to the gym everyday to work out my frustrations, but I need more.

回答 (8)

2008-03-26 3:25 pm
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I was gonna say the gym, the non healthy ways are sleeping & drinking. Somedays I try to pretend that what I am doing is fun even though it isn't. I sing to myself & force a smile
參考: psycho
2008-03-26 10:28 pm
I like to pamper myself. I go rollerblading, take a long hot bath while I listen to Sade( I can always feel better with her) and then head to the salon for mani & Pedi.

Hope you try it :)

" I don't want life to imitate art, I want life to be art. "
2008-03-26 10:26 pm
pick up a guitar or sing your way out of that tunnel of heaviness... or simply go meat boxing... it might help :D have a LIGHT day
2008-03-26 10:24 pm
I go for a drive.

Me, my car, my tunes, my smokes. I've had many self therapy sessions in my car.

Sadly though, with the high price of gas....my self therapy sessions come few and far in between. Driving USED to be one of my favorite things to do......
2008-03-26 10:24 pm
I hate that feeling. I try to stay busy with work or housework........failing that, I drink until I get sleepy, and then crawl in the bed and stay there as long as I can.

Hope things get better for you........
2008-03-27 10:23 am
Take a walk along the road or go shopping
2008-03-26 10:54 pm
I walk more, bake/cook, sleep, read, and or make lists and keep a journal. (Recently added house work like sweeping and and other busy work to my list of things to keep occupied (including mowing the yard).)
2008-03-26 10:52 pm
try to find something funny or meaningless to do it*

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