
2008-03-27 7:58 am
1.母親now 34 years old ,兩years 前,妹妹的年齡是母親年齡的1/8(8份1),妹妹今年幾歲?
3.小明原有9 7/10(9有10份7)元,今天起每天儲蓄2/5元,after5天,他have幾多money?
4.拿10元buy 每瓶3 3/5(3有5份3)的 豉油3瓶,尚欠多少?
5.鉛筆每打7 1/5(7有5份1)元,原子筆每枝比鉛筆貴3/10元,原子筆每枝售多少?
{題解please}唔係我會唔明(maths 太bad><)

可以不列明步驟,but please 題解

回答 (3)

2008-03-27 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.母親now 34 years old ,兩years 前,妹妹的年齡是母親年齡的1/8(8份1),妹妹今年幾歲?
兩 years 前, 母親 32 years old, 妹妹年齡 = 32/8 = 4
妹妹今年 6 歲
繩總長 = (6)(4/5) = 24/5 米
新段數 = (24/5) / (3/5) = (24/5) (5/3) = 24/3 = 8 段

3.小明原有9 7/10(9有10份7)元,今天起每天儲蓄2/5元,after5天,他have幾多money?
(9有10份7)元 = 9.7 元
2/5元 = 4/10元 = 0.4 元
9.7 + (0.4)(5) = 11.7 元 = 11 元 7 角

4.拿10元buy 每瓶3 3/5(3有5份3)的 豉油3瓶,尚欠多少?
3有5份3 = 3有10份6 = 3.6 元
(3.6)(3) - 10 = 0.8 元 = 8毫

5.鉛筆每打7 1/5(7有5份1)元,原子筆每枝比鉛筆貴3/10元,原子筆每枝售多少?
{題解please}唔係我會唔明(maths 太bad><)
鉛筆每打 (7有5份1) 元 = (7有10份2) 元 = 7.2 元
鉛筆每枝 = 7.2/12 元 = 0.6 元
3/10 元 = 0.3 元
原子筆每枝 = 0.6 + 0.3 元 = 0.9 元 = 9 毫

2008-03-27 00:31:42 補充:
請投我一票, 唔該...
下次幫你多 d
2008-03-27 8:18 am
1. 6歲
2 years before, mother = 32. sister = 32/8 = 4, now, sister = 4+2=6

2. 8段
Total length = 6*4/5=4 4/5, 可分=4 4/5 divide by 3/5=8

3. 11 7/10
9 7/10 + (2/5 * 5)

4. 4/5
(3 3/5 * 3) - 10

5. 7/10
(7 1/5 divide by 12) + 3/10

2008-03-27 00:20:14 補充:
last ans should be 9/10
參考: Calculated by myself
2008-03-27 8:15 am
1. Let sister&#39;s current age be x
X - 2 = (34-2) x 1/8
X - 2 = 4
X = 6
Therefore sister is now 6 years old

2. The length of the rope = 6 x (100cm x 4/5) = 6 x 80 = 480 cm
3/5 m = 100cm x 3/5 = 60 cm
Therefore if it has to be cut for 3/5 each, the rope can be divided into
= 480cm / 60 cm = 8 parts

3. 不如先將份數變番左錢先
9 7/10 x 1 = $9.7
2/5 x 1 = $0.4
After 5 days, Siu Ming now has $9.7 + (5 x 0.4) = $11.7

4. 3 3/5 = $ 3.6
If you have to buy 3 bottles , then you will need to pay = 3 x $3.6 = 10.8
Therefore you will need to pay more for = $10.8 - $10 = $0.8

5. 一打鉛筆價值 7 1/5 = $7.2
一支鉛筆價值 = $7.2 / 12 = $0.6
原子筆價值 $0.6 + 3/10 = $0.6 + 0.3 = $0.9

希望幫到你 :)

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