
2008-03-27 7:23 am
One hot summer day, Mr and Mrs Lee took their children to the beach .
They went by bus and carried their baskete with them. They got there at
noon. First they found a good place to put their things. Then Mr Lee and the
children ran into the sea.

Mrs Lee could not swim so she spent her time watching the boats and the

They went home before dark. They all had a good time.


回答 (5)

2008-03-27 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

~比啲信心自己, 沒有錯啊!
2008-03-27 8:19 am
Although you did not write the paragraph, you did a very good job in filling in the "tense". Keep up the good work!!
By the way, don't mind the answers from BT. The paragraph is meant to be for the 5th grader for God sake. And one can definitely "run into" the sea if one wants to do so.
參考: IMHO
2008-03-27 7:33 am
do not listen to the guy beofore, u spell basket wrong there are no extra e at the end !!!!!!!
參考: me
2008-03-27 7:31 am
went by bus應改took bus,跟住刪去with them.
跟住got there改arrived.
之後應改做found a good place to have a seat.
同埋唔係the children係his,
唔會ran into,最多都係along.
mrs lee唔識swim應該用cannot而唔係could not
最尾唔好用before dark,用at the evening,同埋had a nice day會好d~

2008-03-26 23:35:29 補充:
2008-03-27 7:27 am

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