Maths 題

2008-03-27 7:10 am
以下有題 Maths 題


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2008-03-27 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
L=(K-J)*n + J
Actually I do not know how to prove this formula
It is form by my observation

I can only tell you how I find this
I find this as I see that B[1] is a(1,1) and B[n+1] is a(1,2)
so it must be something times n and plus something

then I find that the difference of J and K in a(i,i) is 0
and it is b[i]
so I think it should be the difference of J and K times n
as K is greater than J
so it is (K-L)*n

also B[n 1] is a(1,2) and B[n 2] is a(2,3)
so I think it is (K-L)*n + L

I hope I can help you
參考: myself

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