anyone could help me to translate this...

2008-03-27 6:09 am
1. volatility in the credit markets due to subprime lending markets keeps investors in high quality markets.

2. tight lending standards and rising credit spreads put pressure on the high yield credit markets.

回答 (3)

2008-03-27 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
volitility = 波動
credit market = 信貸市場
suprime lending market = 樓貸次按市場
lending standard = 借貸標準
credit spread = 息差(信貸市場上收取的利息差距)

2008-03-26 23:36:45 補充:
高風險(high risk)的市場才會提供高回報(high yield),這是投資的基礎信念。

2008-03-26 23:43:51 補充:
應該說是 樓貸次按問題 令致信貸市場的波動加劇。

2008-03-28 11:45:01 補充:
All Chinese translations above are technical terms used in this industry as seen in journals of respective institutions.

2008-03-28 11:50:38 補充:
subprime problems refers to the market of house mortgage business not just general credit market(次級借貸市場).
credit spreads = 息差(信貸市場上收取的利息差距), not信貸的上下限(upper limit and lower limit)or (upper end or lower end)
These are technical terms commonly used.

2008-03-28 11:51:51 補充:
spread = price difference (in common sense)

2008-03-30 23:59:41 補充:
有點出奇,原來投票的人有這麼多人是隨意而不認真。有違knowledge 的設立用意。

2008-03-31 18:31:06 補充:
My knowledge on subprime issue is based on
The Journal of Structured Finance (Summer 2007 Vol.13 Number 2)
Article written by: Allan N. Krinsman
"Subprime Mortgage Meltdown: How Did It Happen and How Will It End?"

The above is the leading journal of finance industry on such issue.
參考: my own basic knowledge in financial industry
2008-04-01 6:43 am
2008-03-27 7:35 am
1. 由次級借貸市場產生的信貸市場波幅, 令投資者留在高品質市場中。

2. 收緊借貸標準和提高信貸的上下限令高回報信貸市場增加不少壓力。

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