我想go to澳洲升學

2008-03-26 11:05 pm

今年中四,想中七or 大學過去澳洲讀書.其實越早越好^^"




thz for timmykin89's opinion but I wanna ask about that -->around $200-300 for the house is it per week or per month?? btw my parentz arent ready to get me back australia and they're worryin about if I dun hav enough money to spend...they asked me to go to Aust to study uni =w=

回答 (4)

2008-03-28 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
timmkin89's is wrong about something, you DO have to pay for the bus and train even if you are citizen, and AUD$200-300 it's per week.
參考: I am living in Australia.
2008-04-03 7:36 am
thz ~*唔係我*~ ge意見..
2008-04-01 6:32 am
你係citizen你有d學校係唔使交school fee
even有d. 你只係交幾百蚊一年!!!
2008-03-28 12:58 am
I just went to australia 10 months ago when i was F.2
if you are australian citizen, the school fee probably around 20 000 - 25 000
( better school )
and you need around $200-300 for the house

Why dont u come here earlier
u are citizen
ur parents can get money until you are 18
and you dont need to pay the train and the bus ticket
參考: from my experience

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