K1 Visa 一問

2008-03-26 9:38 pm
我男朋友為美國公民,我想問如果要申請k1 visa,我男朋友需唔需要有一定是入息先可以申請到??美國政府又會唔會問一d關於我地經濟情況既問題?

回答 (2)

2008-03-27 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
到申請綠咭時因為要一份生活擔保書.甘就需要有一定嘅入息.但係當妳入紙I-130時可以同時申請working permit去做工.而到移民局interview都有一年多時間.到時妳本人都有一定經濟基礎.除非妳倆公婆坐係屋企唔做野,甘就幫妳唔到.因為丈夫申請妻子而由第三者做生活擔保,通常唔會接受.
2008-03-27 11:35 am
apply K1 visa basically not differcult.
of course you two have to provide proof that you are real lovers....... you need : letters, copies of e mail is acceptable now, photos (together, but better with some others people. such as family members, ) proof that he had physical met you in last 2 years. whatever and as much as you two can summit with the application is better.
as Mr. leung said, SIC more care about the truth of your marriage than his income. but of course, he can not been always unemployment in last 3 years. right?
參考: yes, you can work after marry.

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