Never mind的英文的解釋?

2008-03-26 9:22 pm
Never mind的英文的解釋?

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nevermind (general use) - let alone, do not mention it

Nevermind (noun) -
1.) to make no nevermind: to make no difference, to be of no significance.
2.) to pay no nevermind: to pay no attention, to be indifferent (to something).

e.g. Those are old books of his he wrote long ago, says Willie. Both been published. Then it makes no nevermind if we burn them.

Hope this is useful to you.
參考: Oxford English Dictionary
2008-03-26 9:38 pm
never mind, don't bother; don't concern yourself.
2008-03-26 9:27 pm
Never mind
(我teacher teach 過)
參考: 我

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