A Question A Day

2008-03-26 8:11 pm
A Question A Day


have got a lot of nerve 厚顏無恥、太鲁莽/也可解作很大膽

1. Which of the following is correct?

A.Mr. Wong has borrowed money from me for gambling many times. This morning he came and asked me for money again! He has got a lot of nerve doing that.

B.Peter has got full mark in the test. He has got a lot of nerve telling his mum.

C.Andy offered his seat to an old woman on the MTR. He had got a lot of nerve doing that.

D.John had got a lot of nerve kissing his wife in his wedding.

Choose an answer

回答 (2)

2008-03-27 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
have got a lot of nerve 厚顏無恥、太鲁莽/也可解作很大膽

A.Mr. Wong has borrowed money from me for gambling many times. This morning he came and asked me for money again! He has got a lot of nerve doing that.

參考: me
2008-03-26 8:25 pm
The answer is A.
A.Mr. Wong has borrowed money from me for gambling many times. This morning he came and asked me for money again! He has got a lot of nerve doing that.
參考: me

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