Roger Federer

2008-03-26 8:05 pm
I want some information of Roger Fererer (Tennis player)FAMILY!!!
Roger Federer FAMILY information!!!!THX!!!(About his mom and dad...
or his bother or sister, also how many family mambers.)Please be quick, I have to do my h.w!!!

回答 (2)

2008-03-26 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
費達拿嘅阿爸 Robert 係瑞士人,阿媽 Lynette 係南非人。佢哋喺同一間製藥廠工作,喺一次生意差事中互相認識,之後結埋婚。費達拿重有一個大佢兩年嘅家姐 Diana,係一個護士。

2008-03-28 15:10:38 補充:
Fereder father is called robert.He is from Swiss.Fererder mother is called Lynette.She is from South Africa.They all work in a factory.They married after they knew each other in a project.Federer has a sister that older than him two years.She is a nurse.
2008-03-28 8:51 pm
Please use ENGLISH!!!

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