古代5大姓氏-鄧 的英文翻譯 (10分)!!!

2008-03-26 6:05 pm
新界鄧氏,原籍江西省吉安府吉水縣白沙村,其祖漢黻公本是北宋承務郎,宦遊入粵,喜粵風俗之淳,在開寶六年 (973) , 卜宅於粵的寶安岑田 (今日錦田) ,立籍居住 (註二) 。至四世祖符公,在神宗熙寧二年 (1069) 登進士第,授陽替令,後來宦遊至本區,因覺風土優美,乃奉三代考妣,遷葬於此,並在圭角山下,創力瀛齋,建書樓,講書講學,其後更置客館書田於里郭北門之橋,發膏火以資養四方來學之士。因此,符公乃為鄧氏遷居香港新界的始祖。
七世祖鄧銑,字元亮,南宋時為贛縣令。建炎三年 (1129) ,金人南下,銑公起兵勤王,護衛隆知太后等於虔州,獲功勳,並在戰亂中救獲未室皇姬,後來以之許配其子惟汲。惟汲與皇姬隱居岑田莊舍,生四子 : 林、杞、槐、梓。紹興間 (1191-1194 年間) ,惟汲公先卒,皇姬命長子林持手書見光宗,帝追封惟汲為稅院郡馬,賜祭田六頃,以及東莞地區的山場餉渡等,四子皆封國舍。長子林之子孫居粉嶺龍躍頭,三子槐子孫居大埗頭、黎洞等地,四子梓後人居錦田、廈村、輞井、西山、東頭、元朗、官涌、大嶼山塘福及東涌、上下高莆等地。
鄧銑族兄元禎公在南宋年間自岑田遷居屏山開基,是為屏山房始祖。其後子孫繁衍,遂分建坑尾、坑頭、塘坊、新村、橋頭圍、洪屋、灰沙圍及上章圍等村 (註六)。
清康熙九年 (1670) ,原居廣東嘉應州吉梅鄉的鄧君會公,自惠州歸善遷移新安長莆,後來徙青衣立業。其七世的廷桂公,於康熙二十七年 (1688) 遷居錦田橫台山。其後,該族後人繼分遷荃灣,禾塘咀及上下葵涌等地。

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2008-03-26 8:07 pm
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The Tang clan in the New Territories originated from a village in Jiangxi Province. The ancestor Tang Hanfu, a court official in Song Dynasty, came to Yue (present-day Guangdong) to take up an official position and grew fond of the place. In 973 AD, he took up residence on an estate he acquired in present-day Kam Tim, which was then part of the Yue (Guangdong) province.
Tang Fu, a member of the fourth generation of the clan attained an official rank in the Song court in 1069AD. When visiting Kam Tin on an official trip, he grew fond of the landscape and decided to move the graves of his ancestors here. He also established schools and guesthouses to receive learned people from other places to foster cultural learning among the clansmen. With these contributions, Tang Fu is seen as the founding father of the Tang clan in the New Territories.
Tang Xian of the seventh generation, who held an official position in Gan (present-day Jiangxi), was awarded honour by the Song court for taking up arms to rescue empress dowager Lingzhi who fled from Juchen invasion in 1129. Tang Xian also rescued a princess, whose hand in marriage was granted to his son Tang Wei ji. Tang Weiji and the princess took up residence quietly in Kam Tin. They had four children, namely Lin, Qi, Huai and Zhi. Upon Tang Weiji's death in around 1191 to 1194 AD, the princess sent her first son Tang Lin to Emperor Guangzong with a letter from her. Tang Weiji was given a posthumous title of a consort-prince. The clan was granted 6 hectres of land and other estates in Dongguan. All of Weiji's four sons received a title.
The decendants of of Tang Weiji's first son Tang Lin settled in Lung Yuek Tou, Fan Ling, while that of third son Tang Huai settled in Tai Po Tou and Lai Tong, that of the fourth son Tang Zhi in Kam Tin, Ha Tsuen, Mong Tseng, Sai Shan, Tung Tou,Yuen Long, Kwun Chung in the New Territories and Tong Fuk, Tung Chung and Ko Po on the Lantau Island.


2008-03-26 12:09:10 補充:
In 1670AD, when China was under the rule of Qing Dynasty, another Tang clan ancestor Tang Junhui moved from Jiaying, Guangdong to settle in Tsing Yi after brief stays in Huizhou and Xin'an.

2008-03-26 12:09:25 補充:
Tang Tinggui, a member of the seventh generation of the branch, moved to Wang Toi Shan, Kam Tin in 1688AD. His descendants moved to settle in other parts of the New Territories such as Tsuen Wan, Wo Tong Tsui, Lower Kwai Chung and Upper Kwai Chung.

2008-03-26 12:09:48 補充:
Tang Yuanzhen, a brother of Tang Xian and the founding father of the Tang Clan of Ping Shan, Yuen Long, settled in Ping Shan during the Southern Song Dynasty.

2008-03-26 12:09:58 補充:
A prolific clan, the descedants of the Tang Clan of Ping Shan settled in places like Hang Mei, Hang Tou, Tong Fong, Sun Tsuen, Kiu Tou Wai, Hung Uk, Fui Sha Wai and Sheung Chueng wai.

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