
2008-03-26 10:24 am


回答 (6)

2008-03-29 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Youth should not be calibrated by means of life span. Instead, it should be determined by the spiritual conditions. The fact of youth is not just a rosary face, a pair of bright red lips or a pair of slimly built legs. Instead, the role of one's will or desire, emotional mobility and creative thoughts play a more important place. Youth is , actually, the palm spring deeply hidden inside one's heart.
Youth represent the character of energetic chase about individual desire, to be adventurous and without lying in leisure. This character is commonly found in a 60 year-old guy while a 20 year-old boy seldom shows that. Only as years goes by, mankind will not be getting old. But in the case that we have given up our dreams, we will be rapidly deteriorated. Time leaves us marks of wrinkled skin. Meanwhile, the dimming of passion makes our souls withered. Worry, fear, lack of confidence are the eternal enemies of braveness, transforming spirit into dust.
2008-04-04 9:34 pm
2008-04-04 6:01 pm
[己帮翻譯為英文] ; 青春不應以生命時間來衡量,而是由人的精神狀態所決定;青春不只是玫瑰色的臉頰、紅彤彤的嘴唇和健美的腿腳,而是人類的意志願望、想像靈性和情感活力;青春是人類心靈深處的清泉。
青春意味著在氣質上有闖勁而不怕追求,有冒險精神而不貪安逸。這種氣質往往更多地在60歲的男子身上表現出來,而不是常常在20歲的男孩身上出現。僅僅經歷生命的若干春秋,人類不會就變得年老;而當我們拋棄理想時,我們就會變得蒼老。歲月會使肌膚褶皺,而熱情熄滅卻能使靈魂枯萎。擔憂、恐懼、缺乏自信只會使勇氣屈服,使精神變為塵土。 Youth should not be calibrated by means of life span. Instead, it should be determined by the spiritual conditions. The fact of youth is not just a rosary face, a pair of bright red lips or a pair of slimly built legs. Instead, the role of one's will or desire, emotional mobility and creative thoughts play a more important place. Youth is , actually, the palm spring deeply hidden inside one's heart.
Youth represent the character of energetic chase about individual desire, to be adventurous and without lying in leisure. This character is commonly found in a 60 year-old guy while a 20 year-old boy seldom shows that. Only as years goes by, mankind will not be getting old. But in the case that we have given up our dreams, we will be rapidly deteriorated. Time leaves us marks of wrinkled skin. Meanwhile, the dimming of passion makes our souls withered. Worry, fear, lack of confidence are the eternal enemies of braveness, transforming spirit into dust.
2008-03-27 7:11 pm
Youth should not be calibrated by means of life span. Instead, it should be determined by the spiritual conditions. The fact of youth is not just a rosary face, a pair of bright red lips or a pair of slimly built legs. Instead, the role of one's will or desire, emotional mobility and creative thoughts play a more important place. Youth is , actually, the palm spring deeply hidden inside one's heart.

Youth represent the character of energetic chase about individual desire, to be adventurous and without lying in leisure. This character is commonly found in a 60 year-old guy while a 20 year-old boy seldom shows that. Only as years goes by, mankind will not be getting old. But in the case that we have given up our dreams, we will be rapidly deteriorated. Time leaves us marks of wrinkled skin. Meanwhile, the dimming of passion makes our souls withered. Worry, fear, lack of confidence are the eternal enemies of braveness, transforming spirit into dust.

2008-03-27 11:11:46 補充:
The youth should not weigh by the life time, but is decided by
person's state of mind; Youth not only rosy cheeks, glowing red lip
and healthy leg and foot, but is humanity's will desire, the
imagination intelligence and the emotion vigor; The youth is humanity
heart's 清泉 core .
參考: me
2008-03-26 5:13 pm
The youth should not weigh by the life time, but is decided by
person's state of mind; Youth not only rosy cheeks, glowing red lip
and healthy leg and foot, but is humanity's will desire, the
imagination intelligence and the emotion vigor; The youth is humanity
heart's 清泉 core .

The youth meant has in the makings rushes the vigor but not to fear
the pursue, not not corruptly has the risk spirit but to be easy and
comfortable. This kind of makings are often more display on 60
year-old male body, but is not frequently appears on 20 year-old boy
body. Merely experiences the life certain Spring and Autumn Period,
the humanity cannot change old; But when we abandon the ideal, we can
change old. The year can cause the flesh fold, but warmly extinguishes
actually can cause the soul to wither. Worried, fears, lacks
self-confidently only can cause the courage to submit, causes the
spirit to become the dust.
參考: Me......
2008-03-26 12:16 pm
Youth should not be calibrated by means of life span. Instead, it should be determined by the spiritual conditions. The fact of youth is not just a rosary face, a pair of bright red lips or a pair of slimly built legs. Instead, the role of one's will or desire, emotional mobility and creative thoughts play a more important place. Youth is , actually, the palm spring deeply hidden inside one's heart.

Youth represent the character of energetic chase about individual desire, to be adventurous and without lying in leisure. This character is commonly found in a 60 year-old guy while a 20 year-old boy seldom shows that. Only as years goes by, mankind will not be getting old. But in the case that we have given up our dreams, we will be rapidly deteriorated. Time leaves us marks of wrinkled skin. Meanwhile, the dimming of passion makes our souls withered. Worry, fear, lack of confidence are the eternal enemies of braveness, transforming spirit into dust.

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