會計師overstate 左d profits同assets 對個business有咩影響???

2008-03-26 9:23 am
Accountant overstate 左d profits同assets 對個business有咩影響???



一萬個感謝呀! XD

P.S. 這是一個中四學生的問題。

回答 (2)

2008-03-26 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If profit is overstated, then the shareholders' fund is also increased. And, the net assets value of the business is increased too. The value per share is also increased.
1. If a shareholder now sell his shares of the company, the selling price is then higher and more benefit will go to him.
2. As the financial position is better, if the company seeks bank or other financing, it could get a more or better financing.
3. You can also get a better image from outsiders, particularly the company's creditors who may give you more credit amount.
2008-03-26 5:56 pm
1. 股價高估,投資者買貴貨;
2. 銀行會批錯貸款額度,引致壞賬;
3. 公司會多付稅款;
4. 員工會分多咗花紅/獎金;
5. 公司可能加錯人工升錯職;
6. 客戶可能要求減價,引致利潤降低;
7. 供應商可能要求縮短貨期,引致資金緊絀;

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