
2008-03-26 7:49 pm
我們預計5/10 早上9點30分去你們公司和你會面,我查了地圖你們公司好像靠近機場,是嗎??還是可以提供你們公司的地圖呢??

"時間更改為5/2 下午大約3點,可以嗎"---請幫我翻這句

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We are planning to meet with you in your office/company at 9:30 on May 10th.
By the way, I have checked the map and your company seems near the airport, doesn't it?
Would you please provide the map to your company?
We are looking forward to visiting you at 9:30 on May 10th, 2008. (on 5/10/2008)
Would you please provide the map to your company?
I would like to make an appointment with you, but I am not sure if you are available at 9:30 on May 10th, 2008.
If you have a tight schedule, please let me know in advance.
By the way, where is your company?
Would you please provide the map?
2008-03-26 8:07 pm
We plan to meet you at your company at 9:30 am on May 9th. I read the map, and found your company was near by an airport. Is it correct? Or, could you please provide me the map to your company?

2008-03-26 12:09:41 補充:
it's on may10th...sorry...>0
參考: by myself.
2008-03-26 8:01 pm
we'd going to see you at company in AM9:30 May 10 and we check out your company it seem by airport,isn't is? or could you offer your company local site with map ?

nine tirty o'clock

2008-03-26 13:51:32 補充:
May we exchange our appointment at pm 3:00 May 2,if you could ?

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