Do you consider yourself to be a sweet/nice person?

2008-03-25 11:05 pm
Why or why not?

回答 (52)

2008-03-26 2:03 am
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i really am..
but i have a confession...*not* to everybody..

i have a real killer ability to "read" vibes about people..and if i get the slightest strange feeling about them then i back off..
don't get me wrong,..i won't be rude..but i will leave them alone and avoid them in every way possible..

i consider myself a genuinely nice that's why i can never fake my kindness..
2008-03-26 2:06 am
no i thenk im a terrible person, i often chose wrong even when i know whats right, i think mean about people, an i yell an am ungreatful to my parents, an most of my descions are selfish an self motivated, i try to be good but i often fail. i try but other than that, no i dont think im a good sweet or nice person ♥
2008-03-26 6:37 pm
I do consider myself to be a sweet/nice person.The reason is I am always giving,caring,and loving with people.Also I try and help people in need.
2008-03-26 3:05 pm
I like to consider myself nice and sweet, I know I have moments that I am not but that's not often.
2008-03-26 3:04 pm
I try as much as possible to be a good/ nice and sweet person.
2008-03-26 2:47 pm
I can be. It really depends on the situation. To my wife, kids and grand kids I am nice and sweet. To my family yes but not generally speaking.

2008-03-26 2:42 pm
I am a nice person. I'm not sickeningly sweet. I'm very straight-forward and opinionated so that kind of prohibits me from being sweet.
2008-03-26 8:48 am
i think i am little bit . but people say me a nice person.
because i can't hurt anyone and i like to make happy to everyone.

just these things make me nice and sweet person
2008-03-26 2:56 am
I'm sweet and nice to the people that I care for....infact I try to be nice to most people. Treat those the way you wish to be treated yourself...thats what I like to live my life by. xx
2008-03-25 11:14 pm
I hope so! Everyone is always telling me how nice and sweet I am so I am assuming that they are right. I always find the good in every person and situation, which is something a lot of people have trouble with, so that is probably why. I have never found someone I couldn't get along with if I try.
2008-03-25 11:09 pm
No, because I just know I'm not sweet or nice. I used to be but all I got when I was sweet and nice was walked on and stabbed in the back. So now I am mean and sassy!

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