What is value of 0/0 ?

2008-03-25 11:35 am

回答 (7)

2008-03-25 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
0/0, like 0^0 and ∞-∞ amongst others, is an indeterminate form.
2008-03-25 11:44 am

similar to n/0 = undefined
2008-03-25 11:43 am
it really depends
when you are in primary school and secondary school, it is definitely non sense
but after you go to college, you will know that
it really depends
it can be 0, or some definite numbers , or infinite
for example.
(1/t)/(1/t) when t becomes infinitely large, it becomes 0/0, but the result is actually 1
(1/t^2)/(1/t)=1/t, when t becomes infinitely large, it becomes 0
(1/t)/(1/t^2)=t, when t becomes infinite, it is infinite too.
take notice,
all the denominators and numberators in the cases above tend to become 0
2008-03-25 11:40 am
undefined. you cannot devide nothing by nothing
2008-03-25 11:38 am
= undefined
2008-03-25 11:43 am
It depends. Often 0/0 comes up as the limit of a fraction a/b where a and b both get closer and closer to 0. The answer then depends on how fast the numerator and denominator approach 0.

For example, you get 0/0 in all the following cases by substituting x=0, but you get a value by doing the division first:and then substituting x=0 (if there is an x left to substitute into)

x/x -> 1

2x/x -> 2

x^2/x -> 0

x/x^3 -> Infinity,

One way that suggests the answer is to graph the function of x for values of x near but not equal to zero and see if the graph approaches anything as x gets closer and closer to 0.
2008-03-25 11:44 am
the same as x/0

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