英文問題 變做英文句子

2008-03-26 5:50 am

1 你可以叫我做tim


回答 (5)

2008-03-26 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 你可以叫我做tim - You may call me Tim.

2,呢個字點讀??? -
How to say this word? (美國人常用)
How to pronounce (發音)this word?

2008-03-25 22:01:32 補充:
上面用戶錯們了, "呢個字點讀"正確翻譯是 "How to say/pronounce this word?" 不是 "How to speak this word?" 這是港式英文.

2008-03-26 21:57:00 補充:
Aerith is also correct. A verb is definitely needed when someone asks "How DO YOU say/pronounce this word?" (你如何讀這個字?)

The sentence I suggested "How to say this word?" (這個字怎樣讀?) is rather informal(隨便). As far as I know, this is a common foreigner's speech.
參考: 我是美國碩士學生
2008-03-26 5:40 pm
1. You can call me Tim.

2. How do you pronounce this word?

Dear all,

A verb is needed for the second question.

2008-03-26 5:56 am
1.You can call me Tim.
2.How to speak this word?/Do you know how to speak this word?(比較有禮貌D)
2008-03-26 5:54 am
1.You can call me Tim.
2.How to speak this word?
唔知岩唔岩- -
2008-03-26 5:53 am
1. you can ask me to do that.

2. how to speak this word?

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