
2008-03-26 5:35 am
1. 呢個source同[d人係咪因為oscar award而揀o個套戲] 絕對係有關係既.我地可以o係呢個web site睇到d戲既票房收入o係奧斯卡頒獎禮前後相差幾多,從而知道d人係咪因為套戲拎獎而揀o個套戲睇

2. 我地可以o係呢個web site睇到邊套戲拎oscar award...


回答 (3)

2008-03-26 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. There's a relationship between Oscar Award and this source. We can find out on this website, there is a huge difference in terms of box office income before and after the Oscar Awards. This is how we know that people go to watch a particular movie specifically because the movie has won an Oscar Award.

2. We can find out which movies have won the Oscar Award from this website

2008-04-02 23:47:52 補充:
To tommy0000004:
Do you seriously want me to translate the whole freaking thing I typed to wchublahblabhalbh??!!
I really don't think I need to type English to prove that I'm good at it, not especially in this case, but if it's the way to shut you up, I'll be so glad to do so.

2008-04-02 23:49:25 補充:
NOW, do you think I stopped using English because I don't know how to express myself?? But anyways, I also dont need your opinion whether my English is good OR NOT.

2008-04-02 23:50:38 補充:
and i typed a huge ass essay to you, but this thing really doesn't let me do any typing. so whateva, nuff said, lata

2008-04-03 13:00:58 補充:
I totally expected that you don't understand my English. So that's okay. Whatever you say, I am sure someone who has decent English speaking skill wouldn't agree.

2008-04-03 23:26:06 補充:
乜你唔覺得你自己好無聊下架咩?? 同埋你話我嘅野都好白痴,其實我用我D時間去response你都覺得自己好低能, 不過我自己覺得香港有你呢種人好真係好悲哀。

其實清者自清,我expect到我話人,有好多人會去話我,不過你咁緊張做乜啫?你越係要話我, 我就越覺得我講嘅野係無錯, 不過wchu佢自己寄左一個msg畀我, 我亦都好appreciate佢咁做

2008-04-03 23:26:26 補充:
但係相反, 我唔覺得你有去睇我打過d乜, 我每出一個post, 你只係講埋三幅被, 話我係咩廢人??打中文係因為我唔識點用英文講, 我覺得一路唔明白嘅 人係你,你D咁嘅小動做先令我相信我所講嘅野,如果wchu要係畀人誤會的話,講真,好大原因係你令其他人更覺得係一個事實

而我之所以話香港有你呢種人好真係好悲哀,講真我見到你問D問題都係關於你D職業,如果每一樣野我都要咁post上去問人,我見己都會覺得自己幾廢,我係你instead of 去話其他人死廢柴有忘想症,講d眨低左自己嘅說話,不如去進修一下自己英文仲好啦。

2008-04-03 23:26:31 補充:

2008-04-01 8:05 am


我比佢best answer係冇任可你講既關係!所以我希望你唔好冤屈佢><"
我以後都會比best answer佢~~因為我英文真係要人幫!!


2008-03-27 8:04 pm
1. The source reveals that people tending to watch the movie
depends entirely on whether it is with or without Oscar
Award. From this website, we can see the big difference
on the boxing office income for the time between before
and after Oscar Awards prizing ceremony. It indicates that
people watch the movie because of its winning over Oscar

2. From this website, we can see which movie has won the
Oscar Awards.

2008-03-27 12:07:46 補充:
It should be:

2., From this website, we can see which movies have won the Oscar Awards.

2008-03-27 21:14:09 補充:

There is a relationship between this source and the reason why people choose in watching
this movie in terms of Oscar Award. From this website, we can see the big difference...............

2008-03-31 01:33:23 補充:
To bbo:

Thank you for your comments. I sincerely hope, you or someone, can point out
my mistakes clearly so that I can improve my English.

2008-03-31 23:30:01 補充:
To: bbo, dustin, luxxz, janetjanetwongwong, emmiedustie, emma

Perhaps, you are related or the same person. I am glad that you paid attention to my English
and did a lot of valuable things to me. bbo, an English native speaker, am I right?
I am hoping to learn from you from time to time.

2008-03-31 23:44:11 補充:
To bbo:

One thing I want to clarify is that I have never asked questions and answered questions by
myself. I have no relationship with mushmooke, tommy000004, chuwong and I do not live
in Hong Kong. It sounds familiar because I did answer a lot of their questions.

2008-04-01 00:14:15 補充:
To bbo,

I have evidence that the above mentioned 5 accounts were established on the same day,
i.e. 3/31/08, is it a co-incidence? I guess they are your classmates or friends.

2008-04-01 18:28:38 補充:
To bbo,

I will only pay for the QUALIFIED tutor/teacher. That's all.

2008-04-04 00:06:22 補充:
To: bbo and tommy 00004

I was quite surprised that you both became the soldiers.

tommy0004, thank you for your support.

bbo, I am glad that the problem has been solved.

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