
2008-03-26 3:39 am
父親在家中的"話事人", 在一些重大事件如買樓等掌有最終決策權.而媽媽則只是決定一些瑣碎的小事, 如買什麼禮物送人. 而家中男女觀念最重的是祖母. 有一次,祖母要妹妹去洗碗,妹妹反駁道:"哥哥有空,為什麼不叫他洗?"祖母回笞:"哥哥是男孩,家務當然由女孩子做." 在祖母眼中男人是做大事的人, 做家務活不合體統. 性別規范在傳統家庭表露無疑.

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My father is the person who always calls the shots in the family. He makes all major decisions such as buying a flat, while my mother decides on minor matters such as what gift to buy for neighours.
My grandma is the strongest believer in gender roles in the family. On one occasion, where grandma told my sister to wash the dishes, the latter protested by arguing that her brother could do the job as he was not having anyting to do. Grandma gave a simple reply that went, "your brother is a boy. Housework is girl's job". Grandma believes that men are born to do bigger things than housework. A family iframeded with such traditional values is the place where you find the stereotype of gender roles.

2008-03-26 12:38:52 補充:
想打 e m b e d d ed 怎麼會被改成怪字 iframeded?
2008-03-27 7:03 am
2008-03-26 4:16 am
Father in the home, "say" in a number of major events such as home buyers, such as palm final decision-making power. Decision and her mother only some trivial things, such as what to buy gifts to give. Concept of men and women in the home is the most grandmother . one, grandmother to wash dishes to her sister, sister retorted: "brother time, why not tell him to wash?" grandmother to Station: "brother boys, of course, the girls do housework." in the eyes of the man is the grandmother people do great things, doing household chores not decency. gender norms undoubtedly revealed in the traditional family.
參考: google

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