
2008-03-26 3:09 am


1.What's the weather like in Macao?

2.What are the people like in Macao?

3.What are the buildings like in Macao?

4.What are the restaurant like in Macao?

5.What's the night-life like in Macao?



回blue_yinman: 請你不要會錯意或作任何廣告, 這是我的演講詞而不是功課, 我只是沒有主意才上來問問大家! 在這說明, 即使沒人回答也不會選你做最住回答

回答 (2)

2008-03-26 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.What's the weather like in Macao?
Macao as a subtropical monsoon climate. It as a long summer that is hot and wet, and a brief cool, dry winter.

2.What are the people like in Macao?
Macao is a predominantly Chinese (Cantonese) community with a signficant Catholic minority due to Portuguese influence.

3.What are the buildings like in Macao?
Buildings in Macao are mostly low-rise. There are some beautiful buildings of European style that reflect the Portuguese influence.

4.What are the restaurant like in Macao?
Restaurants in Macao are famous for serving fusion Chinese and Portuguese food. Other types of cuisines can also be found.

5.What's the night-life like in Macao?
Macao is known as the Las Vegas of the east for its large number of casinos and night-life hangouts. Local people and visitors visit casinos and have fun in bars and restaurants.
2008-03-26 3:17 am
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