[PS3] 點解我個WE2008冇曼聯?

2008-03-26 1:18 am

回答 (3)

2008-04-02 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
WE2008除咗熱刺&紐卡素,其他都係假名,在下心愛既曼聯係WE2008個假名係叫做man red.車仔(車路士), 阿仙奴 & 利記(利物浦)個名好似叫lundon b & lundon c, and some of the name i forgot, i just remember MAN UTD. sorry about that amigo, i can not help you.
參考: my memory
2008-04-01 4:18 am
because that's not the real name , you can only look at the photo and see
2008-03-26 2:03 am
本身英超球隊除 [熱刺] 及 [紐卡素] 外,其餘都是假名;
man utd 應在尾 2 嗰行,右手第 2 個便是。

2008-03-26 10:19:11 補充:
參考: 每天都是winning日

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