there is /are

2008-03-26 12:45 am
1.There is a lot of apples.
2.There are a lot of apples.
Which is correct one?

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
2.There are a lot of apples.
信我這一定對,因為我現在也是剛學完there is/are我作業都是這樣做,都對的,可況there are 是數得到的前面,一定!
參考: me
2008-03-26 2:35 am
當然係第二句There are a lot of apples.啱啦
apples係眾數嘛, 一定係用There are 啦

"a lot of" = many
"a lot of"係一個phrase黎既, 意思係many很多

There is an apple. (如果得一個就用There is ...)

但係咁喎, 如果有兩樣東西, 就要睇頭一樣東西係單數定眾數
e.g. There are two apples and a pear.
e.g. There is a pear and two apples.
2008-03-26 1:06 am
There is a lot of apples. correct
因為第二句個are後面跟左a ,話明are係復數又點會跟a呢個單數架,您話係唔係啊?聰明的人一定可以理解到~
參考: my english

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