simple MATHS homework...

2008-03-25 10:25 pm
都不用打let x be...了
1.)Mr Cheung sold a van for $8400 and sells it for $7350.Find the
perecentage loss.
2.)A shop owner sold a book for $599 and made a profit of $99.Find the
perecentage profit.
3.)The cost of10 dozens of eggs is $60.If half of the eggs are sold at a profit
of 50%,and the rest are sold at a profit of 30%, find the profit for selling
all the eggs.
4.)Brain sold a pair of sport shoes at a profit of35%. It is known that he
gained $350. How much did he buy the sport shoes for?
5.)A car is sold for $120000 at a profit of 25%.Find the cost of the car.
6.)A modle ship is sold for $225 at a loss of 25%.How much does it cost?
7.)A hotle provides a special offer for buffect dinner.For every 5 persons
who enjoy the buffet dinner,one of them will get it free.Find the
perecentage discount.
8.)Mrs Ma buys a coat withe a marked price of $1250 at 60% off.
a.----Find the selling price of the coat.
b.----If Mrs Lee gets an extra discount of $100 for the same coat, find the
perecentage discount for Mrs Lee .
9.)A portable game machine is sold for $360. The perecentage loss is 20%
a.----Find its cost.
b.----If the game machine is sold for$369, find the perecentage loss.
10.)The cost of manufacturing a chair is $20. The chair is sold to a retailer
at a profit of25%. The retailer then sells the chairs for $14 each.
a.----Find the cost of each chair for the retailer.
b.----Does the retailer make any loss? Find the perecentage profit or loss.
11.)Mark and matthew each buys 16000 shares for $4.5per share.
a.----Mark sells 10000 shares for $4 each and the rest for $5.5 each.
Excluding other charges, does he make a profit or a loss?
b.----Matthew sells 10000 shares for $4.2 each and the rest for $5.3 each.
Excluding other changes, does he make a profit or a loss?
c.----Who do you think is better in investmernt?Explain briefly and find the
overall perecentage profit of that person.

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) percentage loss = ((8400 - 7350)/8400) x 100%
= 12.5%

(2) percentage profit = (99/(599-99)) x 100% = 19.8%

(3) profit = 30 x 0.5 30 x 0.3 = $24

(4) He buy the shoes = 350 / 35% = (350 x 100)/35 = $1000

(5)The cost of the car = 120000/125% = 120000/1.25 = $96000

(6)The cost of the ship = 225 / 75% = 225/0.75 = $300

(7) Discount = (4/5)x 100% = 80%

(8)(a) 1250 x (1-60%) = $500
(b) ((500-100)/1250)x100% = 32%, Discount = 68% off

(9)(a)The cost = 360 / 80% = 360/0.8 = $450
(b) The percentage loss = ((450-369)/450)x 100% = 18%

(10)(a)The cost of each chair for the retailer = 20 x (1 25%) = $25
(b)the retailer makes loss
The percentage loss = ((25-14)/25)x 100% = 44%

(11)(a) Total money Marks can get after selling the shares = 10000 x 4 6000 x 5.5 = $73000
Cost for Mark's shares = 16000 x 4.5 = $72000
Mark makes profit for $1000
(b)Total money Matthew can get after selling the shares = 10000 x 4.2 6000 x 5.3 = $73800
Cost for Matthew's shares = 16000 x 4.5 = $72000
Matthew makes profit for $1800
(c) Matthew earned $800 more than Mark, so Matthew is better in investmernt
The overall profit percentage = (1800/72000) x 100% = 2.5%
參考: me
2008-03-25 11:18 pm
1. (7350-8400)/8400 x100%=-12.5%(negative means loss)
2. 99/(599-99) x100%=19.8%
3. (30x50%+30x30%)/60 x100%=40%
4. 350/35%=1000
5. 120000/(1+25%)=96000
6. 225/75%=300
7.1/5 x100%=20%
8. a)1250x60%=750
b) 650/1250x100%=52%
9. a) 360/80%=450
b) (450-369)/450x100%=18%
10. a) 20x(1+25%)=25
b) yes. (14-25)/25x100%=-44% (negative means loss)
11. a) (10000x4+6000x5.5)-16000x4.5=1000 profit
b) (10000x4.2+6000x5.3)-16000x4.5=1800 profit
c) Matthew $1800is more than $1000

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:23:38
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