
2008-03-25 10:24 pm

回答 (2)

2008-03-26 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
你到左轉機個機場後, 記住去睇住d牌去行, 你係 要搵番International Transfer 個sign, 唔好跟住其他人行, 因為大家的目的地係唔同的, 跟住去嗰d電視screen 到搵番你轉個班機, 要記住睇清楚係嗰班airline, 嗰個時間, 嗰個Flight number 先好, 因為有d destination 好似hawaii 有一會有好多班機飛去同一個destination. 人

搵番個gate number, 有D 機場好大, 可能要行, 所以盡量唔好carry on d 重野, 如果唔係會好辛苦(Especially 你搵唔到手推車)

去到hawaii, 你要clear custom, 你應該喺飛機上面已經填左Custom form, d 空姐會去派畀人的, 記住填好哂佢先好去出境, 跟住排去non-us citizen 個條隊, 到你的時侯畀Passport, custom form 佢 , 佢會問你去做乜, 會住係邊呀, 會去邊d 地方, 有d 都好nice 好似傾下計咁, 有d可能會比較serious d , 串d , 不過照實答就無野, 唔會等好耐的

然後就去攞行李, 跟住有一個Immigration officer會企喺道, 問你要一張custom form , 係一張你填左寫話有無帶d 咩肉類呀菜呀咁, 佢要收個張野, 所以要keep 住

有d 機場可能要你再將d 行李放番係個運輸帶再過一次機, 出到去大堂先可以攞, 我唔知係咪每個都係咁, 但係我去開個係要的

如果你係美國境內轉機, 你通常都要去左Custom 先, 攞哂你d行李先再去check in 去轉機, 所以問清楚, 同埋問你個airline 轉機時駛唔駛攞埋行李, 同係佢地會幫你transfer, 有D可能因為係海關原因要你自己攞, 再去check in 番, 最好問清楚, 咁就唔駛驚搞錯

2008-03-30 7:12 am
Hi, there is no direct fight from HK to Hawaii and I am not sure which country are you going to transfer the fight? are you using the same airline? Anyway I would like to tell you my experience:

Last time I took United Airlines from HK to Japan, then Japan to Hawaii. Once I arrived at Japan, I only need to find another gate to my Hawaii fight, United Airlines transferred my suitcase directly. When I arrived at Hawaii, I entered the immigration dept with my HK passport (including US tourist visa); then took my suitcase and pass through custom dept. That was it!

Before entering USA immigration dept, remember to complete the visitor form, they will give u a slip, your Airline will take this slip when you are leaving USA. It is so importance!

Enjoy your trip.
參考: exprienced person

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