英文文法問題, 唔知對不對

Hihi, long time that we haven't chart, Christy told me you're going to marry on Aug 08, congratulations..


回答 (3)

2008-03-25 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hihi, long time that we haven't chart, Christy told me you're going to marry on Aug 08, congratulations..
I think it is better written as:
Hi, it's been a long time we havn't chat, Christy told me that you will get marry on Aug 08, congratulations and with my best wishes.
參考: Self
2008-03-25 11:10 pm
Hi, we have not chat long tine. Christy told me you are going to marry on Aug 08, congratulations..
參考: think
2008-03-25 9:34 pm
Hi there, it has been a long time since we have chatted. Christy told me that you are going to get married in August this year. Congratulations!
參考: me

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